Thursday, October 9, 2008


Dear imaginary reader,
It has been some time since I blogged. There are a number of reasons and I shall reveal them in due course. I actually cannot point out a specific reason for my absence though I am quite certain that my glorious unpresence would hardly affect anyone/anything…the void created by my blog’s French leave must have already been filled by some other wannabe blogger….some budding engineer or doctor whose frustrations transcend plebian angst and who apparently have more issues to burden them in life than mortal, servile creatures of the earth like us. They have to contend with the gut-wrenching loss of failing to bag the 26lakh annual pay packet they always had wet-dreams about….
I can see that my sense of logic and proportion have started to have a threesome with the eccentricities within me,which explains this irrational post and irrelevance of content.
But trust me. I still have some degree of sanity left within me.
***F R U S T R A T E D***

P.S: I am stopping here as the cursor has winked at me for the past 10minutes; mocking my inability to give a coherent shape to my frenzied thoughts. I will continue expounding on the crap-and-boredom which has pervaded my life,a little later. For now,let me think…….
Disgruntled-ly yours,