Thursday, December 27, 2007

First blog blues??

I did not know what to a bad learner.i take time to warm up…be it to people or the keyboard…so if someone wishes to gauge my linguistic abilities based on these blogs__the firstlings of my online soul(yea..go ahead and call me crazy!!)__then please spare me the criticism..i can live without it.
I had to invest 45 minutes of my useless time to think of what to write. You would think its an easy job…so much to write about isn’t it? Starting from india’s rankings in the “developed economies” list to a more serious and alluring issue of national concern…the length of sania mirza’s skirt. Well I choose not to contemplate on these topics…I do not see my blogs raising either india’s rankings or anything else for that matter…although I would love to help…
I think its time for an honest confession…im nervous even as I write my first post..they call it the blues I think. Everybody experiences it…the reactions may vary and it does.
Right from your first crush to your first job to your first wife(lets not be prudes,ok?)…you feel it. Excitement, nervous tension,stress and sometimes fear, all culminate in a psychological state which some progressive group of people have labelled “the blues”…
I’ll take my first example to illustrate further.most guys get a crush on a girl by the time they learn to spell “love”…and some precocious ones may even get one as soon as they are able to coherently arrange the words: “me”, “like” and “you”….the immediate repercussions of getting a crush are interpreting simple signs of the female homosapien,into complicated and vague signals of acceptance…example: girl meets boy in class..asks for an eraser..and the guy goes.. “she has a thing for me man”..and then the blues….the guy spends the next 20 hours thinking of what to say to her,in case any such transaction occurs in future again…
pondering over seemingly futile issues such as these eternally,is
the most prominent symptom of the blues.some researchers are of the opinion that consumption of adnan-sami-esque(of yore) amounts of ice-cream may be of help during this period.